Think about times you’ve wanted to achieve a personal, professional, financial, physical or spiritual goal. Does it ever feel like you can’t bring yourself to achieve it and your mind is out of control?
It’s true. Your mind is not always in control the way you need it to be. Actually, your mind is only in the control you have put it in so far. You have hypnotized yourself to have the beliefs, attitudes and patterns you have — the ones you have now.
There are a few patterns of thought that can get us stuck (and this is by no means a complete list):
What do you think will happen if you do not take control of your mind? What would happen if you do control your mind, subconsciously and consciously?
Learning self hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) skills and techniques can be life changing.
Here are a few examples of what people have experienced, gathered from the 10s of thousands of clients who have succeeded to achieve goals over the last 36 years.
For some, the habit or fear of getting along with a spouse becomes less worrying. I don’t mean the spouse doesn’t matter. What if that was just part of who you are?
Others have learned the skill of portion distortion control. That is, how to have the right balance between stress and calm to achieve goals. It’s knowing when a mood is relatively normal and when something is not that big of a deal.
The need for self pity can get blown way out of proportion and stop success. Imagine learning how to quickly recognize when to shift to powerful forward emotion. Of course, big goals are difficult. But have a powerful attitude to get it done, and it becomes fun.
You are bound to get overwhelmed, but over time it will become easier to have the right attitude, patterns and beliefs. When these concepts become more familiar, then the goals become easier to reach.
Of course, physical needs must be met too. When we are unhealthy (overweight/ smoking/stressed), then other goals become much harder to achieve.
Our internal representation of the world often does not match the map of the world. It is important to be aware of having a negative mood, so you know when it must shift it to one that can help you work toward your desired outcomes. This can be done through visual, auditory and kinesthetic (VAK) future pacing.
Successes and mistakes steer the boat. Being in a resource state has to do with how you train yourself to be in touch with reality.
You can learn how to use these skills to shift your physiology first and move physically to change a mood (NLP). Then you can shift subtle things you hadn’t realized were running bad habits that would get in the way.
When you are running from the lion, pressure comes at you in different amounts, many times unexpectedly, until now. You can learn how to recognize the state of mind others are in when they do well.
Guided Self Hypnosis helps people to fixate, relax and let loose when it is safe and OK to be vulnerable. Mastering a success process without flight or shame and repetition allows your nervous system to feel and see what is going on. You can walk around and see from all sides, then surrender into processing from the third-person point of view to see your own blinders.
Hypnosis has a chemical reason why it works. It bypasses the language center of the brain to find the mood to get the goal.
Through hypnosis, you can blend learning the techniques with your daily life and achieve your goals.
Want to know if you are hypnotizable? Take our quick quiz to find out!