Is there something magical about January 1 that makes it easier to keep promises to yourself? If that were the case, then the success rate would be better than 8 percent. More people make New Year’s resolutions than watch the Super Bowl, yet only 8 percent succeed in keeping them.
The most common type of resolution is self-improvement related. Losing weight, eating healthier, quitting smoking vapes, cigs, tobacco or drinking, or getting more exercise, insomnia, phobias, and pain management are all on the top of the list. The desire to drop a harmful and even painful bad habit is certainly there for millions of Americans.
Obviously, making no commitment or determination keeps us stuck in experiencing more of the same. First, we have to realize that shame and guilt serve no purpose whatsoever. Imagine you could train your brain to see bad habits, patterns and beliefs as simply something you have experienced that can be easily changed.
Through professionally guided hypnosis, you can be taught to train your brain to create the outcome that you have always wanted easily. Imagine weighing what you want to weigh or taking a vacation with your cigarette money.
The biggest danger in making rash New Year’s resolutions is spiraling into even deeper bad habits and further failure. This has genuine effects on the brain, so let’s look at an example. On January 4, two different people don’t exercise. Person No. 1 made no resolution to exercise in the new year, but Person No. 2 did. Who feels worse? Not only does Person No. 2 feel their failure psychologically and physiologically, but now all past failures are coming up, such as failed relationships, failed ambitions and so forth. Perhaps you are now even starting to label yourself as a failure. This is catastrophic from a self-improvement point of view.
Identifying a bad habit is much different from identifying with a bad habit. Just like experiencing a setback is much different from identifying with a setback. Hypnosis allows you to create a new association with past failures through training your brain.
This new way of training and thinking promotes self-confidence, self-worth and self-esteem. Without these positive attitudes about yourself, making a significant change in your lifestyle is tough. Your penalty for not breaking bad habits is repeating the same loop again and again. The definition of insanity is said to be repeating the same thing over and over and not getting anything new.
This year your only resolution needs to be to walk, call, text or email a hypnosis clinic (no matter what day of the year it is) and get your goal just like thousands of others: no artificial timelines, no artificial expectations, no special packaged foods or supplements.
Train your mind to approach self-improvement from a positive angle; let go of the false external markers and milestones that sabotaged your past efforts and set yourself up for success! Or you can do what you have always done...
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