What has you stuck and trapped not allowing you to keep your Goals? Imagine if you continue to experience this for the rest of your life. Then what would happen? How would you feel if five years from now you were still stuck and trapped?
There is a secret that successful people know. Imagine what would happen if you knew the secret, you could put it in the action easily. Then what would happen?
See yourself experiencing that success now. Would that success be physical, emotional, financial, better relationships, more spiritual? Imagine if it was all of them. Then what would your life be like?
The secret is Perceptioneering. Perceptioneering is breaking bad habits and mind control. Think about something you find painful in your life or your business? Some area of your life where you aren’t getting the results you want.
I’ve had the pleasure of working with Scott McFall for the last 12 years. You may have heard of him. In my opinion he is the best mentor in our line of work helping thousands to change thought patterns, habits, beliefs to help get results. He has gracefully accepted my request to put the Perceptioneering workshop on again in 2022.
We have three clinics, two in Wisconsin and one in Minnesota. And this year already we have had over 75 testimonials, both written and verbal, that we received from clients amazed at the results. We have associate clinics in 17 states and Canada.
The clients completed over 2000 private sessions in 2021 and will likely exceed that in 2022. The most important thing is the results we see our clients achieve. In those private sessions they have succeeded in meeting weight goals, more intimate relationships, removing old fears or phobias, quitting smoking vapes and e-cigarettes, getting better grades, spending less time on social media, gaining emotional maturity and reducing stress. We see their physical and emotional lives thrive, chronic pain is reduced — all with Perceptioneering.
In Perceptioneering, a workshop that takes three to four days, we teach the skills, strategies and techniques to help people succeed and achieve their goals fast. We also offer private one-on-one sessions and weekend retreats. (We will provide services at your location)
For professionals like those of us in the healing arts (both traditional and alternative), we learn how to more quickly help our clients to succeed.
Folks who attended Perceptioneering in November 2021 ended up with an exclusive understanding and a skill set which helps them and their clients like nothing else.
We collaborated in 2021 with several hypnotists from the USA and Canada, medical doctors, and 2 psychiatrists writing a book about Perceptioneering and building effective hypnosis and NLP clinics (financially and results for clients). Both psychiatrists, after attending several of our training sessions, decided to become full-time hypnotists and literally drop their previous practice — they are seeing faster and better results from the techniques that we teach.
Imagine — everyday people from all walks of life — that you get the tools and skill set to get those elusive goals and communicate like never before.
The following is a simple list of things, let’s say features and benefits, of Perceptioneering which barely even touches upon what happens. We begin the first day of Perceptioneering inquiring with each attendee what they want to accomplish by the time they leave. Our commitment is that they get what they need by the end of the third or fourth day.
Here is what one attendees from the November Perceptioneering class said, “I have been to many major nationwide insurance company seminars in my 46 years in the industry. But this seminar far surpassed any seminar that cost thousands of dollars more, this was the best value with the greatest potential return. I would recommend the services of Jay Luck in Wisconsin Hypnosis Center for at least one-on-one sessions and you’ll see when you complete the custom program your life will change”. —Denny Hoelzel (Edina, MN and Appleton, WI)
I encourage you to consider attending Perceptioneering. We all need these skills and techniques for successful goal accomplishment and incredible communication with those you care about.
Want to know if you are hypnotizable? Take our quick quiz to find out!