Hypnosis can aid You by helping You get into Your “zone” more consistently and effectively. Getting out of the zone “enough” can affect Your confidence and in some instances cost you dearly. Hypnosis helps overcome YOUR fears or stage fright, and instead become calm and focused during competition, and block out inner and outer distractions. At Wisconsin Hypnosis our team will address your specific concerns and shortcomings. We’ll also look at the emotional reactions that sabotage you and may cause you to “choke”. A common tool that we use with athletes is visualization. When you clearly see your goals and desired performances, it becomes easier to achieve them. Another benefit of hypnosis for athletes is to help in full recovery from injuries. Injured athletes can experience physical residual pain, as well as emotional anxiety and uncertainty.

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    Why go for debunked quick fixes when our methods take just as long and are way more effective?

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    Hypnotherapy and hypnosis go deeper than simply curing the symptoms and the positive transformations are permanent.

    Client Testimonial

    Quit tobacco and vapes Tanya S., WI

    When I first came here I thought it was the need for weight loss and to boost my self confidence. Going through the four sessions that was recommended I realized it wasn’t that I needed; I needed to retrain my brain to free me from the anxiety that kept me from just living. Everything I did before I already knew the outcome before I even did it….

    Quit tobacco and vapes Lu P., WI

    I was weak when it came to smoking. It was my go to for all my problems. Years went by and then I noticed I was short of breath after doing a flight of stairs, shorter walks with the dog, etc. Then came the day a TV add hypnosis. I said to myself- do or die! I did and went, and in one meeting I changed. I’m back in control. I feel good about myself. I want to live and enjoy life.

    Quit tobacco and vapes Tanya S., WI

    When I first came here I thought it was the need for weight loss and to boost my self confidence. Going through the four sessions that was recommended I realized it wasn’t that I needed; I needed to retrain my brain to free me from the anxiety that kept me from just living. Everything I did before I already knew the outcome before I even did it….


    For your comfort and convenience, we have two options for you: a virtual card and / or a physical one. The virtual card will always be on your cell phone, and will allow you to do all the operations in Agora and buy online. With the physical card, you can do the same as with a virtual one, the difference is that you can also make purchases in person at any store or establishment that accepts VISA worldwide.

    For your comfort and convenience, we have two options for you: a virtual card and / or a physical one. The virtual card will always be on your cell phone, and will allow you to do all the operations in Agora and buy online. With the physical card, you can do the same as with a virtual one, the difference is that you can also make purchases in person at any store or establishment that accepts VISA worldwide.

    For your comfort and convenience, we have two options for you: a virtual card and / or a physical one. The virtual card will always be on your cell phone, and will allow you to do all the operations in Agora and buy online. With the physical card, you can do the same as with a virtual one, the difference is that you can also make purchases in person at any store or establishment that accepts VISA worldwide.

    For your comfort and convenience, we have two options for you: a virtual card and / or a physical one. The virtual card will always be on your cell phone, and will allow you to do all the operations in Agora and buy online. With the physical card, you can do the same as with a virtual one, the difference is that you can also make purchases in person at any store or establishment that accepts VISA worldwide.

    For your comfort and convenience, we have two options for you: a virtual card and / or a physical one. The virtual card will always be on your cell phone, and will allow you to do all the operations in Agora and buy online. With the physical card, you can do the same as with a virtual one, the difference is that you can also make purchases in person at any store or establishment that accepts VISA worldwide.


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